
Setrans Mobility is Incubated by India’s most prestigious Automotive Research company Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) foundation group ARAI-AMTIF on August 21st, 2023.

ARAI is the leading automotive R&D organization of the country set up by the Automotive Industry with the Government of India. ARAI is recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) and is one of the prime Testing and Certification Agency. It has been playing crucial roles assuring safe, less polluting, more efficient and reliable vehicles ans also offers Automotive Technologies and India Specific Data Bases for automotive product development for Indian market.


Setrans Mobility soon to be signing deal for Compressed Biogas with India’s leading Bio-Gas producers like Gas Authority of India Limited, Indraprastha Gas Limited, Growdiesel Ventures Limited


Setrans Mobility soon to be signing Fleet Booster Agreement with the fleet operators like EVERA, My EV+, Blue Smart.